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Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Herman Cain denies Sharon Bialek sex harassment claims

Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain has flatly denied allegations of sexual harassment and said he does not know his latest accuser.
In a press conference, Mr Cain said the accusations would not force him out of the race for president.
"Ain't gonna happen," he said. "I'm doing this for the American people."
Earlier, iPad news operation The Daily published the name of another accuser, who received a cash settlement.
Karen Kraushaar, who previously wished to stay anonymous, confirmed to radio network NPR that she stood by a statement made by her lawyer last week.
In that statement, she alleged Mr Cain made "a series of inappropriate behaviours and unwanted advances" towards her.
Monday's accuser Sharon Bialek, meanwhile, made the rounds of morning TV news shows.
Standing firm
Mr Cain, a former pizza magnate who is enjoying his first spell in the national political spotlight, is a leading contender for the Republican nomination to take on President Barack Obama in 2012.
Speaking in Scottsdale, Arizona, Mr Cain said Mrs Kraushaar's allegations were "baseless" and also repeatedly denied that he remembered Ms Bialek or her name.
He reprised an earlier statement that Mrs Kraushaar's monetary "agreement" with the National Restaurant Association was not a settlement related to a sexual harassment claim but a personnel matter.
The association has said that it entered an agreement to resolve an internal claim of sexual harassment, "without any admission of liability".
However, Mr Cain was not a party to that agreement.
He also revealed that he was willing to take a lie detector test in order to prove his innocence.

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