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Monday, 28 May 2012


Most women know that decoding male behavior in relationships is like trying to understand Nuclear Science. Since men often have communication skills that are terrible, women are left to fend for themselves. This becomes most problematic in the arena of dating, where women find men giving off signals like malfunctioning traffic lights. Thus, it becomes almost impossible to know whether a guy likes you or doesn't like you.

Ladies, let me help out and address some of the most common male behaviors in dating and relationships and explain them fully, so there will be no doubt left in your mind about whether your man likes you, hates you, finds you annoying, or thinks you're the Bomb.

1) You always call him. He never calls you. This is an issue that can be very complicated. If you are calling a man over and over, leaving messages, and he never calls you, then he's not interested. However, if you are always calling a man and he returns your phone calls, then you are probably okay. 

2) He never shows you his place or takes you anywhere near where he lives. If a guy is doing everything he can to avoid taking you anyplace where somebody he knows might see you, then you need to be suspicious. At some point, you will specifically need to request that he show you his place or take you to his favorite hang-out. 

3) He won't introduce you to his friends or family. If you got over the hurdle of seeing his place or his favorite hang-out, but you've been dating awhile and don't know the names of any of his friends or you've been dating longer than six months and haven't met any of his family or at least heard him reference family members, you have a problem. 

4) He only hugs you with part of his body. A guy who likes you will hug you with the full force of his body. He wants you to feel everything he's got. He wants you to think: "oh, man, I want this guy wrapped all around me all the time." By contrast, a guy is telling you he doesn't like you if he gives you that awful shoulder hug where only the shoulders touch. If he's making every effort not to touch you, he doesn't like you. If, as you hug him, you can feel him trying to squirm out of it, you're probably in trouble. Likewise, if you go to give your man a hug and he pats you on the back, that's no good either.

5) He forgets your name. This is usually a bad sign in almost any situation. If he keeps forgeting uar name and sometimes calling u names of other girls even after repeated dates and/or sexual encounters, then he probably has little regard for your relationship.

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