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Tuesday 24 July 2012

Ugonjwa huu wa hatari ndivyo unammaliza kijani huyu.

Burdened by an abnormally large tumour growing on his neck, a 9 year old Mexican boy has been offered aid.
The boy named “Jose” who lives in one of the deadliest cities in the world, has been suffering from a peculiar growth on the side of his neck reported Yahoo.
Due to financial crisis, his parents have been unable provide him the required medical care and are worried as the tumour affects his eyesight. Furthermore, the tumour could reach his heart as well.
A Pastor whom helped Jose helped by carrying his grocery bags was gratified by the boy’s gesture and took upon himself to help provide medical aid to him.
Although chances seem grim as the line of treatment for removing the entire tumour is unclear, the church has organized a donation camp to help the family deal with its cost.
The family is being provided a visa for New Mexico on humanitarian ground to get Jose treated.

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